Routing # 071108423

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Banking Security Center

Farmers National Bank is committed to protecting your personal and financial information. Whether you interact with us at any of our three locations, online or mobile banking FNB’s focus is on keeping your information safe and secure. Part of protecting your personal and financial information is knowledge. FNB has put together the following fraud prevention information to help you protect your information.

  1. At Home — keep items with personal information such as financial records, social security cards and medical information in a safe place. Shred papers that have your personal information and remove your mail from your box as soon as possible.
  2. Online — try to use passwords that are not easy to guess. Use numbers and or symbols when you can — the longer your password, the harder it is to crack. Don’t share your passwords with anyone. Do not respond to emails or other messages that ask you for personal information. Order a copy of your FREE credit report annually at (877) 322-8228 or online at
  3. Personal Information — only give your Social Security Number when absolutely necessary — ask questions before you share it.
  4. Additional Protection — consider enrolling in our ID TheftSmart product to help protect your identity for as little as a $1 month. More information is on the ID TheftSmart tab.

If you are or suspect you may be a victim of identity theft please contact the FTC (Federal Trade Commission) at (877) ID-Theft (438-4338) or FTC.Gov/IDtheft.

Place a fraud alert on your credit reports, and review your credit reports.

ID Theft Smart Logo

Protect your identity for as little as $1 a month!

Don’t let yourself become another statistic!

In 2019, the Federal Trade Commission estimates nearly 14.4 million were victims of identity theft. For the 14th consecutive year, identity theft was the fastest growing white collar crime. It takes an average 175 hours and $1,500 to resolved identity theft.

In a market overflowing with solutions that focus on credit and promote self-help, ID TheftSmart’s licensed investigators simply do more. Our investigators have thousands of hours of experience – more than any other company in the industry – helping people to determine the extent of their exposure to risk, and to restore their identities to pre-theft status as quickly and efficiently as possible.

Choose between 2 affordable products:

  1. Credit Restoration $1.00 per month
  2. Credit Monitoring $3.00 per month

With ID TheftSmart Credit Restoration, you can count on a three staged defense:

  • Consultation on best practice for managing Personal Identifying Information (PII)
  • Provide safety guidelines for communicating and interacting online
  • Provide cardholders information about their rights under federal and state laws
  • Access to a person advocate if identity theft occurs
  • Provide an action plan when information has been compromised
  • Help interpreting and analyzing credit report
  • Fraud alert assistance
  • Credit freeze consultation
  • Confirm identity fraud and identify its nature and scope
  • Assist in obtaining a police report
  • Provide tri-merged credit report and perform full non-credit searched
  • Work on behalf of cardholders until all identity theft issues have been resolved
  • Place seven year fraud victim statements with credit reporting agencies when applicable

With ID TheftSmart Credit Monitoring you are also enrolled in Credit Restoration with additional alerts provided when any one of the following activities is reported:

  • New account openings
  • Credit inquires
  • Payment delinquencies
  • Public record changes
  • Change of address
  • Over card limit
  • Deceased
  • Lost or stolen card
  • Major derogatory
  • New unconfirmed address
  • Settlement
  • Fraud or victim statement

Visit any of our locations to enroll in ID TheftSmart today.

  • NEVER share your PIN.
  • Report lost or stolen cards immediately.
  • Look for secure transaction symbols and web addresses that start with “https” when shopping online.
  • Know to whom you are talking. Never give unsolicited callers personal information and account numbers over the phone.
  • Don’t fall prey to “Phishing.” Never respond to an e-mail requesting you to provide card, PIN or personal information via the Internet.
  • Review your account statements to verify authorized transactions and to reveal any possible fraudulent activity.
Your mobile device provides convenient access to your email, bank and social media accounts. Unfortunately, it can potentially provide the same convenient access for criminals. The American Bankers Association recommends following these tips to keep your information – and your money – safe.
  • Use the passcode lock on your smartphone and other devices. This will make it more difficult for thieves to access your information if your device is lost or stolen.
  • Log out completely when you finish a mobile banking session.
  • Protect your phone from viruses and malicious software, or malware, just like you do for your computer by installing mobile security software.
  • Use caution when downloading apps. Apps can contain malicious software, worms, and viruses. Beware of apps that ask for unnecessary “permissions.”
  • Download the updates for your phone and mobile apps.
  • Avoid storing sensitive information like passwords or a social security number on your mobile device.
  • Tell your financial institution immediately if you change your phone number or lose your mobile device.
  • Be aware of shoulder surfers. The most basic form of information theft is observation. Be aware of your surroundings especially when you’re punching in sensitive information.
  • Wipe your mobile device before you donate, sell or trade it using specialized software or using the manufacturer’s recommended technique. Some software allows you to wipe your device remotely if it is lost or stolen.
  • Report any suspected fraud to your bank immediately.